Special / Twist before wedding father of daughter asked question goes viral on social

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 11, 2023, 06:57 PM
Father Of Daughter Asked Question: There are many types of marriages in India. Some are arranged marriages, some are love marriages while some are through marriage advertisements. Recently a similar case came to light where the conversation between the girl's father and the alleged groom before the marriage of a girl has gone viral. It was a very strange conversation that has come to the fore.

'Father is happy on hearing the name of my marriage'

Actually, a girl named Harsha has told this conversation through a Twitter thread. He wrote that my marriage is a topic of discussion in my house. I keep getting advice that only through matrimonial site is right but now it should be considered. Recently my father got a call and he happily said yes, come home. He told his mother that someone is asking for an alliance.

asked such a thing that he was shocked

He wrote that now people got excited, but as soon as that person came, he asked the father such a thing that he was shocked. Harsha wrote that an uncle type boy came home, my father called him inside and he was given tea. Suddenly that man asked my father that how much will you invest. Father's surprise knew no bounds after hearing this. Because this is the matter of his daughter's marriage.

what was the truth

Then Harsha himself told that in reality the man had come from the insurance company Bajaj Alliance, whereas the father thought he was talking about a marriage alliance. That's why the man asked about investment. At first people did not understand after reading this story of Harsha and when they understood, they all started commenting that in the end your marriage could not be fixed even this time.