Natural remedies to cure mouth ulcers

Canker sores, also known as mouth ulcers, are painful sores that occur in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.


These sores develop in the soft tissue lining of your gums, tongue, inner cheeks, lips or palate. While mostly harmless, they can cause pain and a lot of discomfort.


Add a tablespoon of salt to lukewarm water and gargle thoroughly once you are done make sure to gargle with plain water to get rid of the salty taste from your mouth.


Clove is used in a wide range of oral hygiene products for its eugenol and antimicrobial properties.


This citric food is packed in vitamin C which may help cure mouth ulcers. Drinking two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice every day.


Apply honey directly to the ulcers and make sure to keep reapplying every few hours for better results. The antimicrobial properties in honey can aid in repairing any open wound quickly.
