Amazon's worst-in-a-decade August wildfires captured in pictures

Aerial view of a burnt area in the Amazon rainforest, near the Lago do Cunia Extractive Reserve, on the border of the states of Rondonia and Amazonas, northern Brazil, on Wednesday. 


Aerial view of a burnt area in the Amazon rainforest, near Porto Velho, state of Rondonia, northern Brazil.

This time is considered as the burning season in this region when ranchers and farmers often set fire to deforested areas.


As Presidential elections are due in October, the frontrunner, leftist former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has vowed tougher protection of the Amazon.


Experts say Amazon fires are caused mainly by illegal farmers, ranchers and speculators clearing land and torching the trees.


As per data the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon till July was equivalent to an area roughly seven times the size of New York City.
