Does your man sleep after SEX? Reasons why partners doze off


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It's a bummer for many women when their partners fall asleep after sexual activity without snuggling or cuddling, leading them to assume that he is dissatisfied and sad.


Men's ejaculations during an orgasm release the hormones that cause lethargy. Even while there is a pleasant tension in the body, it still calls for a peaceful sleep since following orgasm, the sleep feelings are stronger than usual.


Sex at night after a long, gruelling day may be pretty draining. After a hard day, the concept of pleasing the partner requires a lot of physical work and frequently isn't particularly "demanding." Because the sexual activity is naturally calming, a little sleepiness is OK.


When having sex, a lot of people occasionally tend to hold their breath. It increases heart rates and abrupt rhythms, which causes a shortage of oxygen and necessitates rest after sexual activity.

A good night's sleep following sex is a healthy sign that the partner experienced a satisfying orgasm. It should be seen favourably since, after all, sex is naturally tranquil and relaxing.


Another reviving and revitalising alternative is citrus. Grapefruit from refrigerator can also be enjoyed. Alcohol is likewise suggestible, but in smaller doses, because we don't need to sleep after having sex.
