How to make cold cold Rasmalai


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To make Rasmalai chhena, first take milk and put it on the gas. Now add lemon juice and water to it. Milk will burst. After a while the chenna and water will separate.


After this take a sieve, place a cloth on it and sieve the chenna. This will separate the water and the chena. When this is done, take out the dried chena in a plate.


When the chenna dries well, mash it well and knead it. If it becomes smooth and kneaded, then make balls out of it. Take care not to keep the size of the balls too big.


To make sugar syrup, take a vessel and put it on the gas, add water to it, add 2 cups of sugar, cardamom and keep the flame to cook.


When the syrup starts cooking, put the balls made of chenna in it. and cover it. In no time the size of the balls will double. Leave it to cool down for some time.


To make rabdi, put milk in a pan and keep it on the gas. Now cook it, when the milk starts boiling, then add saffron to it and slow down the gas.
