All you need to know about the new contagious Tomato Flu disease

A new illness, Tomato Flu or Tomato Fever, has been found in Kerala and Odisha, as India continues its fight with coronavirus and monkey pox.


So far, 82 children have been reportedly infected with the disease. The rash can appear on hands, feet and buttocks and also cause ulcers in the mouth.

The symptoms of this rare viral infection include high fever, body ache, joint swelling and fatigue.


Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, dehydration, swollen joints and body aches are the other symptoms reported by some patients.


Tomato flu is caused by intestinal viruses and is rare among adults due to their strong immunity.


"Past few days some publications started emerging from Kerela regarding a new endemic disease by the name of tomato fever.
