Effective ways to naturally cure headache

Headache is one of the most common issues faced by people these days due to incessant exposure to screen, and rising stress.


Here are some of the simple natural hacks that can help cure headaches.


Massaging is the best way that can help reduce any strain or muscle tension that may be causing headache.


You can also use an ice pack, cover the strained area with an ice pack using towel or ice pack cover. This might also help with the relief.


This could be new for some people. You can try this if hot compress works for you. Take a small pillowcase, add some raw uncooked rice and tie the open end. Now put it on hot tawa and use it. Adjust the head accordingly.


Aromatherapy can also help reduce or lessen headache. You can use any essential oil or any other fragrance of your choice. Add it in coconut oil or any other regular oil to cure your headache.
