Reasons why your skin is ageing

Skin is ageing

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With time, our skin starts to show signs of ageing, fine lines, wrinkles. However, it is mostly the lifestyle disorders and the dietary decisions we take, that accelerates ageing.


Direct exposure of the skin to the sun causes the sunburn. Sometimes the ultraviolet rays of the sun can hit the deeper layers of the skin and cause damage to the skin cells as well.


Collagen and elastin are the fibrous components of the skin, which get destroyed by the toxins of smoking. This further leads to premature ageing of the skin.


Omega – fatty acid is an important nutrient for the skin. A poor diet usually leads to Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency in the body, which further leads to skin issues.


Pollution, dust and other toxins present in the environment leads to the damage of the collagen in the skin – this serves as a damage to the barrier function of the skin.


Prolonged alcohol consumption can affect the skin adversely. It leads to dry skin, dark circles and reduced elasticity.
