Signs that your partner is falling out of the relationship


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Relationships these days can be short-lived as compared to our parents’ times. Sometimes it is the differences between the partners that may lead to separation, a feud, or even infidelity.


When you are in a relationship with someone you love, you always look forward to spending more and more time with each other.


If your partner has started to hide things from your or has been lying about certain things, you know that they are drifting away from you. One of the key factors for a successful relationship is always ‘trust’ among the partners.


Constantly snapping at you, avoiding, being secretive or lying are all signs of changing behaviour. And if your partner is constantly irritable with you or is at looking for reasons to snap at or fight with you, it is a sign that something is not right.


When despite having them around if you start feeling lonely, maybe it is a sign that your relationship is moving towards its end.


They try every trick in the hat to make their partners feel that they are wanted and important, even if the partners are away in the distance.
