Bihar Board Class 12 Result 2021: The wait for Bihar Board Inter Result 2021 is now over. Bihar board 12th result will be released today i.e. March 26, the day on Friday. According to a statement issued by the Bihar board, the results of the Bihar board 12th class will be declared at three o'clock in the afternoon. Bihar board will release the result online. Out of which a total of 7.03 lakh students and 6.46 lakh students are included.
If you want that you get an alert or notification on the mobile as soon as the result is released, then for this you will have to register at the link given below. As soon as the result will be released after registration, you will first send the notification live Hindustan in which you will be able to check the result by clicking on the given link.
Bihar Board 12th Result: Will be able to see results like thisLogin through the details asked on the result link like roll number, registration number or any other credentials.
As soon as you submit the information, your result will appear on your screen.
After the result is released, the Bihar board will start the supplementary process. Intermediate examination was conducted between 01-13 February 2021 in 1,443 centers of the state. Let me tell you that Bihar was the first state to take the board exam this year. After this, Bihar Board is also releasing the results of the first board examination. The examination was conducted as per the instructions of Kovid-19. According to the guidelines issued by the board, it was mandatory to wear a face mask during the examination.