2 Covid 19 vaccines for children shown effective in early phase of trial Study
Coronavirus / 2 Covid 19 vaccines for children shown effective in early phase of trial Study
Coronavirus - 2 Covid 19 vaccines for children shown effective in early phase of trial Study
New York: The Moderna Corona Vaccine being prepared for children and another protein-based vaccine have been found to be effective in initial testing trials. Both these vaccines have been initially tested on children of a species of monkey called 'rhesus macaque'.These vaccines can be effective for childrenThese vaccines have proven to be safe in initial testing and produce effective antibodies in fighting the SARS-COV-2 virus. According to research published in the journal 'Science Immunology', vaccines for children can prove to be an effective weapon in reducing the horrors of the epidemic. "Safe and effective vaccines for young children will help limit the spread of Covid-19 because we know that, even if children are exposed to SARS-CoV," said Sally Permer of the US-based New York-Presbyterian CommonSky Children's Hospital, 2 They can spread the infection to those who are sick or asymptomatic.'Long-term antibodies in monkeysParmer said, “What is more, many children became ill and even died due to infection. The restrictions imposed to prevent infection had many more negative effects on children. Therefore children are entitled to the vaccine to be protected from Kovid-19. According to the research paper, the ability to fight the virus due to the vaccine in 16 young monkeys of the rhesus macaque species remained for 22 weeks.Monkeys given a dose of 30 micrograms of vaccineProfessor Christina de Paris at the University of North Carolina in the US said, 'We are looking at comparing potential antibody levels with adults, however, the dose of vaccine for macaque children was only 30 micrograms, compared to 100 micrograms for adults. De Paris said, 'In Moderna's vaccine, we saw a strong 'T' cell response, which we know is important in limiting disease severity.