5th class girl was selling fruits, the person gave Rs.1.25 lakh for 12 mangoes

Viral News / 5th class girl was selling fruits, the person gave Rs.1.25 lakh for 12 mangoes
Viral News - 5th class girl was selling fruits, the person gave Rs.1.25 lakh for 12 mangoes
Sitting on the road side, the story of the 5th class student of the 5th class was wireless, that his dreams got wings. A man gave this girl in exchange for 12 million rupees. These were not common, for which there was so much price, but by seeing the june in this girl, the person bought a common in such an expensive rate.

In Jharkhandpur, 11-year-old Tulsi fifth class student living in the Bungalow number 47 out house of Strat Miles Road. The economic condition of his family is not very good. Somehow the family members were read, but the school closed in Corona period.

After the school closes, the online class started, then Tulsi's studies stalled. Because he did not have a smart phone to take online class. Therefore Tulsi decided to sell common to raise money for new phones.

Tulsi Bungalow broke the mango from the mango tree in the garden and was selling them on the road. During this time, the whole story of Tulsi became viral on social media.

The story of Tulsi is selling common in compulsion for studies when the Vice Chairman of Mumbai reached the Vice Chairman of the company, then he stepped forward to help him.

The big businessman has given a new flight to his dreams by buying only 12 common 1 lakh 20 thousand rupees. Since this help, there is no place for Tulsi's happiness.

Tulsi has bought a smart phone of 13 thousand rupees out of this amount. He has saved the rest for further studies. After this help, Tulsi is not selling common, but staying in the house.


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