70% of all COVID-19 deaths in India reported among men: Health Ministry

India / 70% of all COVID-19 deaths in India reported among men: Health Ministry
India - 70% of all COVID-19 deaths in India reported among men: Health Ministry
New Delhi: Covid-19 vaccines will work against new coronavirus variants, Health Ministry officials said on Tuesday adding that there is no evidence to prove that the new variant found in the UK increases the severity of disease.

“There’s no evidence that current vaccines will fail to protect one against new variants of coronavirus reported in the UK or South Africa,” officials said.

Officials also said that the active Covid-29 caseload in the country slipped to 2.7 lakhs, for the first time in six months, while the cumulative positivity rate stands at 6.02 per cent.

52 per cent of all Covid-19 cases so far have been recorded in the age group of 18-44 years while 70 percent of all deaths due to the disease have been reported among men,” officials said.


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