A big solar storm will hit the Earth, NASA warns - know what will be its effect?

Solar Storm / A big solar storm will hit the Earth, NASA warns - know what will be its effect?
Solar Storm - A big solar storm will hit the Earth, NASA warns - know what will be its effect?
Solar Storm: American scientists have recently issued a serious warning, stating that a major solar storm is going to hit the earth soon. This storm is likely to have a serious impact on the electronic communication system. On this warning of NASA, Dr. Annapurni Subramaniam, Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, told NDTV that this solar storm is actually the result of a sudden explosion of particles, energy, magnetic fields and material projected by the Sun into the solar system.

Nature of solar storm

According to Dr. Subramaniam, this solar storm is moving towards the Earth and is likely to cause damage to telecommunications and satellites. Indian scientists are monitoring it and experts of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) have informed Indian satellite operators to take all precautions. He also told that the solar flare that erupted in the last few days is similar to the flame that occurred in May, which shows the seriousness of this storm.

Scientists' preparations

Dr. Subramanian said, "The next few days are important for the Earth as the storm is moving towards the Earth. We will monitor the magnetosphere, but it is important that we wait as it takes a few days to hit the Earth." He further said that "We expect tonight or tomorrow night, so that we can find out if something is happening."

Impact and safety

The arrival of a solar storm can cause a major disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field, called a geomagnetic storm. This can cause effects like radio blackouts, power cuts and beautiful auroras. However, the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere protect us from these bad storms, so these storms do not harm anyone directly.

Amazing images of aurora were seen in the Northern Hemisphere due to the strong solar storm that came in April. This time too scientists are hopeful that if the solar storm is effective, we may get another chance to see aurora.


The solar storm warning has raised concerns among both scientists and the general public. However, Earth's natural defense mechanisms are able to protect us from such storms to a large extent. Still, it is a reminder that we should pay attention to space activities and be aware of the possible impacts that can affect our communication and technological systems.

The team of scientists is monitoring the activities of this solar storm and we hope to know more about its effects soon.


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