A moving car suddenly caught fire, out of control even after applying the hand brake

Rajasthan / A moving car suddenly caught fire, out of control even after applying the hand brake
Rajasthan - A moving car suddenly caught fire, out of control even after applying the hand brake
A shocking incident happened in the city, in which a sudden fire in a car created panic. The driver of the car, Jitendra, told that smoke suddenly started coming out of the car, which immediately alerted him. As soon as he saw that the fire was spreading rapidly, he applied the hand brake without wasting time and jumped out of the car to save his life. But the surprising thing was that despite applying the hand brake, the car continued to run uncontrollably on the road.

The car stopped after hitting the divider, long jam on the bridge

The frightened Jitendra's car rolled and hit the divider, then it finally stopped. Due to this accident, the traffic on the elevated bridge came to a halt and a long jam occurred on the road. Other drivers who were on the bridge at that time got frightened by the sudden chaos. For some time, a tense atmosphere prevailed in the entire area. During this time, many people heaved a sigh of relief that no major accident happened, but this incident shook people.

Fire brigade and police took charge

As soon as the incident was reported, police and fire brigade teams reached the spot. The firemen controlled the fire after a lot of effort. Fortunately, no one died in the accident, but the car was completely burnt to ashes. The police took control of the situation and started efforts to resume traffic.

Short circuit became the cause of the accident

According to driver Jitendra, the cause of the fire in the car was a short circuit. He told that as soon as he sensed smoke, he immediately took precaution and decided to jump out of the car. At present, the police is investigating the incident and trying to find out whether the fire broke out only due to technical reasons or there is some other reason behind it.

The incident raised questions related to safety

This incident has again brought vehicle safety issues to the center. It has now become necessary to seriously consider how technical problems like short circuit occur and how to avoid them. Drivers should also be prepared to deal with such emergency situations. Learning from such accidents, now there is a need to think about what kind of steps should be taken in terms of vehicle safety so that such incidents can be prevented.

After this accident, there is an atmosphere of discussion in the entire city. People are trembling thinking what could have been the outcome of this accident if the driver had not jumped in time.


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