A terrible attack took place in Pakistan before the SCO Summit, 20 people died; 7 injured

Pakistan News / A terrible attack took place in Pakistan before the SCO Summit, 20 people died; 7 injured
Pakistan News - A terrible attack took place in Pakistan before the SCO Summit, 20 people died; 7 injured
Pakistan News: A shocking attack has taken place in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province, in which gunmen killed 20 miners and injured seven others. According to police officer Hamayun Khan Nasir, the attack was carried out on Thursday night on residences located near a coal mine in Duki district. The incident comes just days before a major security summit is to be held in the country's capital, further increasing security concerns.

Information from the scene

At the time of the attack, gunmen surrounded the residential area and started firing. Officer Nasir said that most of the deceased were from Pashtun-speaking areas of Balochistan. Three of the miners who died in the incident and four of the injured are said to be of Afghan origin. After the attack, security forces launched a search operation in the area, but no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Atmosphere of instability

This attack is a new link in the increasing incidents of terrorism and instability in Balochistan province. In the last few years, there has been a spurt in attacks by various terrorist organizations in the region, particularly targeting miners and other working class people. Earlier, a police van was also attacked by terrorists in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, killing two police personnel and injuring three. The attack was carried out on the police van during patrolling.

Context of Security Summit

The gravity of this attack increases further in the context that a major security summit is going to be held in the capital of Pakistan. Security officials had planned to increase security for this conference keeping in mind all possible threats, but such incidents make it clear that security challenges are still formidable.

Political response

Many political leaders and human rights organizations of Pakistan have condemned this attack and demanded concrete steps from the government for security. They say that the government should work more seriously to stop these attacks and formulate a strong strategy against terrorism in the region.


This deadly attack on miners in Pakistan has once again highlighted the challenges of security. Amid rising instability and terrorism incidents in various parts of the country, it is essential that the government and security forces work together to develop an effective strategy to ensure the safety of citizens and take concrete steps to prevent such violent incidents.


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