Viral News: Afghanistan wreaks havoc on Taliban, 36 terrorists killed in 24 hours

Viral News - Afghanistan wreaks havoc on Taliban, 36 terrorists killed in 24 hours
| Updated on: 24-Jul-2021 07:10 AM IST
Due to the go to US soldiers after 20 years from Afghanistan, the Taliban's dominance is increasing. Taliban terrorists claim that 90 percent of their fighters have been captured on part of Afghanistan. Afghan Army is constantly trying to get rid of their areas from the clutches of the Taliban.

The security forces of Afghanistan have accelerated the Taliban in the last few days. Afghan Forces claim that he has killed 36 Taliban boys near Kandahar.

The Taliban is also making a variety of claims between the bloody struggle from Afghanistan. Recently the Taliban has said that it has occupied the police headquarters in Ghaziabad district of the northern part of the country. Along with this, 80 security forces of Afghanistan have joined the Taliban. The Taliban has also issued photographs of weapons and ammunitions recovered from Afghan forces in Ghaziabad district.

It is known that in the last two decades, our soldiers have called back from Afghanistan. After this, the Taliban and the fierce has come. Most of the districts of Afghanistan have been captured. The Taliban has also occupied many big highways and border posts in Herat, Farah, Kandahar, Kanduus, Turkhar and Badhashan provinces connecting Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. While the Force of Afghanistan is currently occupied by Iran and Pakistan in Nangarhar, Parka, Pokvika, Khost and Nimeros provinces.

At the same time, the Taliban is preparing to occupy the Life Line of Afghanistan. Actually, Taliban terrorists are trying to capture mostly highways of Afghanistan. Successful Taliban has also got success. The Kandahar is a highway, which is considered to be the main supplied line. The Taliban has deposited him. Apart from this, on the second supply line between Jalalabad Kabul, the Taliban is attacking Afghan forces, but also ISIS on this supply line.