After the corona vaccine, these heart-related diseases are happening to the youth, increased concern

COVID-19 Update / After the corona vaccine, these heart-related diseases are happening to the youth, increased concern
COVID-19 Update - After the corona vaccine, these heart-related diseases are happening to the youth, increased concern
The vaccination campaign against Corona is being run rapidly all over the world. Some side effects are common after the vaccine, but the CDC has found other symptoms in young people. According to the report of the CDC of America, many young people are complaining of swelling and burning in the heart after the vaccine.

During the team briefing at the White House, CDC Director Rochelle Valensky said she has received reports of heart inflammation in more than 300 young people following the COVID-19 vaccination. Although such cases are less in comparison to vaccination, but according to the youth, these cases are being reported more than expected.

The advisory committee says that it will soon discuss the link found between the vaccine and heart inflammation. However, the committee has ruled out any changes in its COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The committee is also concerned about the increasing incidence of myocarditis, that is, weakening of the heart, after the vaccine.

CDC began monitoring some cases of myocarditis after the Kovid vaccine in late May. The report found more cases of myocarditis in men than women. These cases are being seen more after the second dose of Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine.

According to NBC News, the CDC has asked doctors for reports of people showing symptoms of heart disease, myocarditis or pericarditis after the vaccine.

Symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis include fever, fatigue, chest pain and shortness of breath. Most of the cases that have occurred so far after the vaccine is not serious.

During the COVID-19 Response Team briefing, Valensky said, 'Most people in these types of cases make a full recovery after getting the right care and rest after the vaccine. We can get many important information in the discussion of the Advisory Committee on these matters related to vaccine and heart. This will further strengthen our security efforts.


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