America again came forward to help Ukraine, now it will provide extremely deadly weapons

Russia-Ukraine War / America again came forward to help Ukraine, now it will provide extremely deadly weapons
Russia-Ukraine War - America again came forward to help Ukraine, now it will provide extremely deadly weapons
Russia-Ukraine War: The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. America has once again come forward to help Ukraine. America will send military aid of about US $ 225 million to Ukraine. Giving this information on Thursday, US officials said that this new package also includes ammunition. The weapons can be used by the Kiev army to deal with the threats inside Russia, so that the city of Kharkiv can be saved from a heavy Russian attack.

Ukraine's strength will increase

Officials said that the aid includes ammunition for the 'High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)' as well as a series of mortar systems and cannonballs. He discussed the assistance that has not yet been publicly announced on the condition of anonymity. According to the new US directive, Ukraine can use such weapons to attack Russia across the border in case the army there is attacking it or preparing to attack.

France will provide fighter jets

Not only America, France has also come forward to help Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron has said that France will provide Mirage fighter jets to Ukraine so that it can protect its country from Russian aggression. Macron said in an interview that he would announce "a new cooperation" with Ukraine and the sale of Mirage 2005. He said that Mirage will "enable Ukraine to defend its land, its airspace" against Russian attacks.

France will train Ukrainian pilots

President Emmanuel Macron said that France will also start training Ukrainian pilots. He reiterated that Ukraine should be allowed to use the weapons provided by its Western allies to target Russian military bases and places from where it is being attacked. Mirage is a French-made fighter aircraft.


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