Amidst the fear of Delta +, the lockdown increased again in this state, the government issued new instructions

COVID-19 Update / Amidst the fear of Delta +, the lockdown increased again in this state, the government issued new instructions
COVID-19 Update - Amidst the fear of Delta +, the lockdown increased again in this state, the government issued new instructions
New Delhi: Haryana Government has once again decided to increase the lockdown. Lockdown has issued order to increase the lockdown till July 5. However, some relaxed orders have also been given.According to the new guidelines issued in the meeting, it is mandatory to follow the rules of Corona. In such a situation, if any of the masks are found, their invoice will be cut. Let the authorities have been asked to motivate people to wear masks.

The cases of Corona in Haryana are spreading rapidly. Because of this, Koreona control is a matter of concern for the state government like turn states. Meanwhile many important decisions have been taken by the state government.


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