Asia Cup 2021 Called Off Over Covid-19 Threat

Cricket / Asia Cup 2021 Called Off Over Covid-19 Threat
Cricket - Asia Cup 2021 Called Off Over Covid-19 Threat
Cricket | The Asia Cup 2021 has been canceled. The tournament has been canceled once again due to the Corona virus (COVID-19). The Asia tax was also canceled last year due to Corona. Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) on Wednesday informed that the Asia Cup 2021 has been canceled. This decision has been taken in view of the Covid-19 epidemic as all the countries participating in the tournament are currently battling the epidemic and it may be risky to conduct the tournament. Let us know that this time the Asia Cup was to be held in Sri Lanka. Corona cases have increased rapidly in Sri Lanka, in which the Sri Lankan Board has decided.

India and Pakistan's matches in the Asia Cup were also scheduled to take place. But once again the fans will have to wait a long time to watch the Indo-Pak match.

Ashley De Silva, Chief Executive of Sri Lanka Cricket said, "Given the current conditions, playing the tournament (Asia Cup) will not be possible in June this year" Fans may now have to wait until after the 2023 World Cup to see this collision of teams.

Please tell that Sri Lanka has banned international flights for 10 days only on Wednesday. On the other hand, the Sri Lankan national team is currently in Bangladesh to play a series of 3 ODIs.


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