Big blow to Kamala Harris, Trump leads in 5 decisive states!

US Presidential Election / Big blow to Kamala Harris, Trump leads in 5 decisive states!
US Presidential Election - Big blow to Kamala Harris, Trump leads in 5 decisive states!
US Presidential Election: There are only five weeks left in the US presidential election, and the latest surveys have made the electoral picture more exciting. Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris, who was consistently leading in national surveys, has now suffered a major setback. Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump has taken the lead in 5 out of 7 important swing states of America. These states play an important role in deciding the election results.

Trump's strong hold in swing states

According to the latest survey conducted by AtlasIntel, where Kamala Harris was ahead in 6 out of 7 swing states till a few days ago, now Trump has gained lead in 5 states. According to the current survey, Kamala Harris is ahead of Trump only in North Carolina and Nevada, that too with a very slight lead - 2 points in North Carolina and 3 points in Nevada.

On the other hand, Donald Trump has a lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. Although his lead in Georgia and Arizona is only 1 point, Trump's lead in Pennsylvania, which has 19 electoral votes, is 3 points, which could be significant. Trump is also ahead by 3 points in Michigan, and he has a lead of 2 points in Wisconsin.

Elon Musk's sarcasm on the Democratic Party

Trump's close aide and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has also made his presence felt in this election fray. Musk has targeted the Democratic Party by posting on the social media platform X. Musk alleged that the Democratic Party is spending much more money than the Republican Party in swing states. He called it a party of the rich and big officials, while terming the Republican Party as the party of the people.

Musk recently released a list of donors who donated to both the parties, in which Kamala Harris has received huge donations from big companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon. This disclosure shows the economic strength of the Democratic Party, but it also raises the question whether public support is guaranteed with the support of big capitalists?

Memories of 2016 and the current electoral scenario

The latest surveys can be worrying for Kamala Harris, especially when we look at the results of the 2016 elections. At that time too, swing states played a big role in Trump's victory. In 2016, Hillary Clinton had secured 48 percent of the total votes, while Trump got 45.9 percent of the votes. Despite this, Trump captured the White House by winning 272 electoral votes.

If this trend continues in the latest surveys of swing states, then challenges may increase for Kamala Harris. Swing states play a decisive role in elections, and the lead from here can ensure the victory of any candidate.


Donald Trump's lead in swing states in the final phase of the US presidential election has created the possibility of reversing the electoral equations. Kamala Harris, who appeared to be in a strong position nationally, now appears to be lagging behind in the swing states. It will be interesting to see how the situation changes in the coming few weeks, as swing states decide the future of US elections.


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