Bike jumped 350 feet in the air for world record, painful death
Viral News / Bike jumped 350 feet in the air for world record, painful death
Viral News - Bike jumped 350 feet in the air for world record, painful death
America's famous stuntman Alex Harvil has died. Alex was practicing for the motorcycle jump of 351 feet on the motorcycle, but he died during the same practice session. Alex was present in Moses Lake Aerasho in Washington where he was practicing before his world record jump. Many people present there were making their videos. According to the report of the IFIBER Forest, Alex was walking up and it was the first jump of his morning.According to the video, Alex is running a bike in a field and then go to a ramp and launch your bike in the air. Although during this jump, Alex remains somewhat far away from its floor and crashes in sand mounds.According to the report of Kima-TV, immediately after the eyewitnessed crash, Alex had seen the helmet flying in the air. According to the Grant County Corner, 28-year-old Alex has become the cause of his death after this accident.After the crash of Alex tried to handle the people present there and then immediately after the hospital in Moses, the doctors declared them dead. Video of this jump of 150 feet is becoming viral on social media.Significantly, Alex, living in Washington made a world record in 2012. He measured a height of 425 feet in the Togo Motocross Park, 425 feet in the Dirt Distance Jump. Next year, he had set a world record in the Dirt to Dort Jump.Alex had a height of 297 feet in this competition in Richland and he had written his name in the Guinness Book of World Records along with this record. Alex had told this accident a month ago that he has seen an eye on another world record.He wrote in his social media post that I am preparing for a new world record jump in Mose Lake Washintagan and I will try to enter his name once again in the Guinness Book of World Record during this air show.After making a world record in Alex Ramp to Ramp, now the ramps were preparing to create a world record in Dirt but their dream remained incomplete after this incident.