Billionaire investor James Crown dies in road accident – PM Modi attends felicitations last week

James Crown / Billionaire investor James Crown dies in road accident – PM Modi attends felicitations last week
James Crown - Billionaire investor James Crown dies in road accident – PM Modi attends felicitations last week
James Crown Died: James Crown, an American businessman, billionaire investor and longtime director of JP Morgan Chase, died in a car racing accident in Colorado on Sunday. According to the Colorado Sun, the accident occurred when Mr Crown hit an impact barrier at Aspen Motorsports Park in Woody Creek. He was celebrating his 70th birthday. The Pitkin County Coroner's Office said the official cause of death would be known only after the autopsy report is received. Looking at the situation, at present it is considered to be an accidental death. Please tell that he had met Modi during his US tour, after which he came in for a lot of discussion.

Had dinner with Modi recently

Crown was the CEO and President of his family's business investment firm, Henry Crown & Company, from which he inherited a net worth of approximately $10.2 billion. He was also a director of several companies including JP Morgan, General Dynamics and Sara Lee. Last week, he also attended the White House State Dinner in honor of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Obama had a special attachment

In 2014, then-US President Barack Obama appointed Crown to the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. On the death of the American businessman, Obama said that he and his wife Michelle were deeply saddened by his death.


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