Meanwhile, Sonu Soon has shared a video on social media. The actor released the video in support of the students, saying that there should not be examinations in the midst of increasing cases. Actors in the video are saying - When the cases of corona in other countries had increased, the examinations were canceled there, but when lakhs of cases are coming in the country, then students are being asked to take the exam here. This cannot be justice. There should be a system in my eyes where students do not have to take the exam in difficult times and do the exam in internal way.I request everyone to support students who are forced to appear for offline board exams in these tough times. With the number of cases rising to 145k a day I feel there should be an internal assessment method to promote them rather than risking so many lives. #cancelboardexam2021
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) April 11, 2021