SP candidate Rajiv Rai's statement came outThe statement of SP National General Secretary and Lok Sabha candidate Rajiv Rai has come to light after Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak sought apology from Arvind Rajbhar. Rajiv said that when father and son (OP Rajbhar and Arvind) were roaming around abusing Yogi Adityanath and other BJP leaders, then Brijesh Pathak should have thought of all this. Today, when elections are ahead, seeing the anger and division among the workers, he has taken such a step.This is BJP trying to nip the problem in the bud. UP deputy CM Brajesh Pathak, know for his diplomacy, made the NDA candidate from Ghosi seat and SBSP leader Arvind Rajbhar bow in front of the BJP cadre reportedly upset with remarks of OP Rajbhar when he was with SP. pic.twitter.com/9ehjTifRfL
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) April 4, 2024