Cannot give compensation of 4 lakhs on death due to Corona- Central Government told Supreme Court

COVID-19 Update / Cannot give compensation of 4 lakhs on death due to Corona- Central Government told Supreme Court
COVID-19 Update - Cannot give compensation of 4 lakhs on death due to Corona- Central Government told Supreme Court
New Delhi. Filing on behalf of the Central Government has been filed on behalf of the Central Government on the petition to give compensation (COPREME COURT) to the families of Korona infection (COVID-19 Death). The Central Government has told the Supreme Court that the relatives of 4 lakh rupees can not be compensated by the Korean people who lose their lives. He said that the compulsory compensation under disaster law applies only on natural disasters such as earthquake, flood etc. It has been said on behalf of the government that if the amount from a disease should be given grace and if not on the other then it will be wrong.

On behalf of the Central Government, the Supreme Court has been told that everyone is out of financial power of the States to compensate the death of Corona infected patients. Let's tell that the Supreme Court has filed a petition to compensate the death from Corona. In this petition, the Center and the states have been requested to give four lakh rupees grace to the family of people who lose their lives due to infection under Disaster Management Act 2005.

The affidavit which has been filed in the Supreme Court towards the Central Government, it has been said that due to the spread and influence of Corona, the patients who have died can not be compensated under the natural disaster. Giving information from the government, it was said that the Center and the state are already in financial pressure since the lack of revenue and health expenditure. If we started giving 4 lakh compensation on death from Corona, then the amount used in the fight against the epidemic will be affected.

3,86,713 patients have been killed by Corona in the country

Tell that 3,86,713 people have died due to pandemic from Corona in the country. The Central Government said that the Supreme Court has already made clear that policy matters should be left on the executive. In such a case, the court can not hear any decision in this regard. The Center on the death certificate for Corona sufferers said that the deaths from Kovid will be certified as kovid deaths in death certificates.


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