Children will get corona vaccine from July! 6 to 8 months before the third wave arrives

Coronavirus Vaccine / Children will get corona vaccine from July! 6 to 8 months before the third wave arrives
Coronavirus Vaccine - Children will get corona vaccine from July! 6 to 8 months before the third wave arrives
Between the crisis of Corona vaccines, the major news attached to the indigenous vaccine company Jedes Cadilla has come. It has been information that the trial of this vaccine has almost been completed and in the next few months it can be started to be started. This has been said on behalf of Kovid Working Group Chairman Doctor N. Arora.

NK Aurora said that the trial of the Corona Vaccine of Jedes Cadila has almost been completed. Now in the last orth of July, it may be in August that it should be started to impose 12 to 18 years old. At present, people above 18 years in the country are being put Corona vaccine.

Let us know that before the third wave, the central government wants to put Corona vaccine. But the vaccination can only come when there are a large number of Corona vaccine after the country. If Jayedas Cadila gets approved soon after the results of the trial, then it will get some relief.

Now on June 18, 2021, the news came that Jadis Cadilla can apply for approval for the emergency utilization of Corona Vaccin ZYCOV-D in the next 7 to 10 days. At present, three Corona vaccines have got approval of emergency. It includes Kovishield, Kovecenon and Spontane. Koreona can see more effect on children in the third wave. In such a situation, if 12 to 18 years old, the Corona vaccine of Jayedas Cadila will start, it will get relief.

This vaccine of Jayedas Cadila is quite different from other vaccines across the world. Actually, most of the vaccies are installed only, whether it is not covisifed, sputnik, covaxin etc. But not two of this vaccine of Jades, but three dozes will be installed.

The Chairman of the Kovid Working Group, NK Arora also spoke on the third wave. He said, 'ICMR has a study, in which the claim has been claimed that the third wave will come a little late. Meanwhile, we have 6-8 months to vaccinate people. In the coming days, our target will have to set one crore corona vaccine daily. "


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