China became soft after PM Modi's statement, what did it say on the border dispute?

India-China Tension / China became soft after PM Modi's statement, what did it say on the border dispute?
India-China Tension - China became soft after PM Modi's statement, what did it say on the border dispute?
India-China Tension: There is a dispute going on between China and India regarding the border. Due to which tension remains in both the countries. Meanwhile, China's statement has come after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments about China in an interview. China says that India and China have made great positive progress in resolving the border standoff and dialogue is continuing between the two sides.

Speaking to the media, spokesperson Mao Ning said that both countries have made positive progress in resolving the border standoff on the LAC. He said that India and China have maintained close contacts through diplomatic and military channels and great positive progress has been made in this regard. The spokesperson further said that healthy relations between China and India serve the interests of both the countries.

‘The border dispute should be resolved immediately’

Actually, PM Narendra Modi had recently given an interview to the American magazine Newsweek. In which the PM spoke openly about China and made India's stand clear. The PM had said that relations with China are important for India and the border dispute should be resolved immediately. The PM had also said that stable relations between India and China are very important not only for both the countries but for the entire region and the world.

‘Hopefully India will resolve the differences properly’

After this comment of PM, a reaction has come from China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning has said that China hopes that India will properly resolve differences and work in the same direction with China to move bilateral relations forward on a healthy, stable path.

The PM said in the interview that the long standing situation on the borders of both the countries should be given immediate attention and should be resolved. PM Modi expressed confidence that through bilateral talks both the countries will be able to restore peace on their borders. He had said that we need to urgently address the long standing situation on our borders so that problems in our bilateral talks can be avoided.

Clash between the two countries in Galvan in 2020

It is noteworthy that the border dispute has been going on between India and China for a long time. Chinese soldiers often enter Indian borders. In the year 2020, there was a clash between Chinese soldiers and Indian soldiers in Galwan. In which 20 Indian soldiers were killed while about 40 Chinese soldiers also lost their lives. After this, bilateral relations between India and China had become tense. To resolve the ongoing tension between the two countries, both sides have so far held 21 rounds of Corps Commander level talks.


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