China connection in Jammu airbase attack, know full detail

India / China connection in Jammu airbase attack, know full detail
India - China connection in Jammu airbase attack, know full detail
New Delhi: A big disclosure has come to light in the preliminary investigation of the Jammu airbase attack case. Investigation agencies suspect that the help of drones made in China was taken in this attack. China had given drones to Pakistan in the past and from there the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI provided these drones to the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba. The army's internal intelligence investigation is also going on in this attack.

The Union Home Ministry has officially handed over the investigation of the Jammu Airbase case to the Central Investigation Agency (NIA). A special team of NIA reached the spot and started scanning the footage of CCTV installed outside the Air Force station. Investigating agencies suspect that people related to this incident must have left near the Air Force station around that time. Along with this, the investigating agencies also suspect a Chinese connection in this case.

A top official associated with the investigation said that China had given its manufactured drones to Pakistan some time ago. Earlier intelligence inputs revealed that Pakistani intelligence agency ISI had provided these drones to terrorist organizations. Forensic investigation is also being done in this regard from the debris found on the spot. Sources said that intelligence inputs had also come that the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba was also in touch with the Taliban regarding these drones as the Taliban had attacked Afghanistan in the year 2020 through drones.

A top official associated with the investigation said that it cannot be clearly said in this case whether the drone came from across the border or was flown by Lashkar terrorists with the help of their associates in the Indian border. Because the investigation is still on and no possibility can be ruled out. Sources said that the internal investigation of the army is also going on in this matter that how such attacks can be prevented in future and five agencies including technical experts are also involved in this investigation of the army as such attacks are considered as a big alarm bell in future. He is going.


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