China discovered 24 new corona viruses, 4 of them like covid-19.... it is important to be alert

COVID-19 Update / China discovered 24 new corona viruses, 4 of them like covid-19.... it is important to be alert
COVID-19 Update - China discovered 24 new corona viruses, 4 of them like covid-19.... it is important to be alert
Now the world is thinking of getting rid of Corona virus, while China scientists have searched 24 new Corona viruses. Of these 4 Corona viruses are like COVID-19. That is, the threat has been four times higher. China's scientists were exploring the origin of Corona virus. During this time, these 24 new Corona viruses were detected. One of these viruses is wreaked at the time of the SARS-COV-2 virus to get very much. That is, the world needs to be cautious.

China's scientists have searched these 24 Corona viruses in the bats found in South-West China. At the same time, it has also tried to tell how many of these 24 viruses can infect. This report has been published in the Cell Journal. Researchers of Shanndong University said that we have discovered 24 new Corona viruses in different species of bats. Of these four Corona viruses are present which are present in the presence of the epidemic.

Chinese scientists sample samples of bats present in South-West China's forests from May 2019 to November 2020. Scientists examined the urine and stool of bats. At the same time, some bats also spit. After this, these samples were examined, it detected 24 new Corona viruses.

According to a Chinese researcher, one of these viruses get very much of SARS-COV-2. The world is currently disturbed by SARS-COV-2 Coronairus. The scientist said that the new corona virus has got a slight difference from the current epidemic virus in its spike protein but it is close to Genetics. The spike protein is the outer barbed layer of Corona virus, which helps in adhesive the virus from human cells.

Now the Corona virus has been searched, many of them are similar to the Corona virus found in Thailand in June last year. Not only that many Corona viruses meet in many cases from the Corona virus responsible for the death of people at this time. These Corona viruses are constantly spreading rapidly between the population of bats. It is difficult to stop them. Corona viruses are making their home to the body of bats.

In China, the discovery of these 24 new Corona virus has occurred when the investigation is being demanded with transparent and strong evidence regarding the origin of Corona virus all over the world. So that the scientists worldwide can make a new and better vaccine. As well as help in the second phase of the examination of Corona virus by the World Health Organization.

Recently the demand for the real origin of Corona virus and the yield of Pandemic has increased rapidly. Different countries throughout the world are demanding a fair and transparent check on China. Because the Corona virus pandemic has been done so far more than one and a half years but till now its origin of origin and infection has not been known.

Now the country and scientists around the world are demanding that the Wuhan Institute of Virology should be investigated. So that it can be known whether Corona virus leaked from there or came to humans in a natural way. This will detect those preparations and mistakes of China which is related to the use of different types of viruses.

A few years ago 8 children were ill in Malaysia. They complained to pneumonia. When they were sent to the hospital with their sample, they were infected with a new Corona virus. This Corona virus is found in dogs. This information has now revealed in a study. Before the arrival of Kovid-19, people were just aware of seven types of Corona virus. Now the new coronaires that have been discovered will probably have been going to humans from pig. This matter is old but it is still a threat to people at global level.

The University of iOwa wirologist Stanley Pearlman said that the more we investigate will be able to go to the more details. This will let us know how the Corona virus is entering the organism of another species from the creatures of a species. Who has been searched for Caninelike CoronaVirus and Feline Coronavirus), has not yet been reported to him of the infection of the people. But it has not been found in a human infection from one person to another.

At the same time, some scientists believe that the virus has the ability to mutate themselves in any human or creature. He has the ability to evolve himself. Genome Sequencing of Corona virus found in a patient of Malaysia revealed that there are four corona viruses here. Two dogs are found. Fourth in a cat probably in pigs. There is a report printed in Clinical Infeccius Diges. The presence of these four Corona viruses from that patient's jeans revealed.

This is the first report in which it is being said that the Carninelike Coronavirus can increase the replicate in humans, that means itself. Although it needs to be stacked and studied. Researchers have developed this virus into the tumor sales of dogs but not in humans. Researchers who do this study and Ohio State University Wooster's Veterinary Wirologist Anstesia Vlasova said that we have a strong evidence of this.


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