China is making its own MRN vaccine, will give competition to Pfizer and Moderna, has not imported any vaccine yet

COVID-19 / China is making its own MRN vaccine, will give competition to Pfizer and Moderna, has not imported any vaccine yet
COVID-19 - China is making its own MRN vaccine, will give competition to Pfizer and Moderna, has not imported any vaccine yet
China is going to make its own mRNA vaccine. China, which was the first to detect the corona virus in the world, has not imported any vaccine so far. China will now make a vaccine with this extraordinary effect. With this move, American companies Pfizer and Moderna can compete.

China has so far relied on anti-corona vaccines developed by its two companies - Sinovac and Sinopharm. To change this, he is developing his own mRNA vaccine. The Sinovac and Sinoform vaccines are developed by traditional methods. They contain the full form of the corona virus. These vaccines are designed to inactivate them in a tried-and-tested way.

Chinese vaccines are unable to protect against Omicron

Vaccines from these two Chinese companies were initially effective in protecting people from getting infected, but over time this protection weakened. In the case of Omicron, they were ineffective in a way. That is why China came under pressure to make more effective vaccines. China will now make mRNA vaccine to prevent virus infection. The mRNA vaccine works in a completely different way.

This is the specialty of mRNA vaccine

These vaccines fall under the category of nucleic acid vaccines. In this, genetic material from a disease-causing virus or pathogen is used. Due to this, the immune system against the virus inside the body is prepared and becomes active. In conventional vaccines, only the disease-causing virus is killed or inactivated and inserted into the body, but in mRNA vaccines, the genetic code of the pathogen is inserted into the body. This prompts the human cell to recognize the attack of the virus and prepare defensive proteins to defend against it. Since no live element of the virus is inserted in the mRNA vaccine. Therefore, there is no risk of disease progression from it.