China warns Indian media against 'playing Tibet Card' amid row over next Dalai Lama

India / China warns Indian media against 'playing Tibet Card' amid row over next Dalai Lama
India - China warns Indian media against 'playing Tibet Card' amid row over next Dalai Lama
Beijing: China on Wednesday warned the Indian media from playing the Tibet card, while terming it as an internal affair.

The Chinese Embassy here in a statement said that it is in the fundamental interests of China and India, as two neighbouring countries and emerging economies to enhance political mutual trust, properly manage differences and strive to return China-India relations to the track of healthy and stable development.

"We hope some Indian media take an objective and fair stance on issues concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, grasp the highly sensitive nature of Xizang (Tibet) -related issues, look at Xizang's economic and social progress objectively, do more to help China-India bilateral ties move forward instead of advocating playing Tibet card to meddle in China's internal affairs," the spokesperson of the embassy said in the statement.

The embassy. also said the US Act interferes in China's internal affairs and violates the fundamental principles of international laws and basic norms governing international ties. China firmly opposes any country, organisation or individual supporting the anti-China separatist activities of the Tibetan independence forces in any form and under any pretext.

US President Donald Trump had signed into law a bill that reaffirms the right of Tibetans to choose a successor to the Dalai Lama and calls for establishing an American consulate in Tibet, prompting China to warn that the act will seriously disrupt and hurt bilateral relations.

The Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020 modifies and re-authorises various programmes and provisions related to Tibet.

Trump signed the act on Sunday as part of the massive $2.3 trillion package for the year-end bill to provide long-delayed coronavirus relief and fund the federal government.


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