Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will disburse a loan of Rs 10 thousand 390 crore during the MSME loan fair to be held on Thursday. Official sources said that the Chief Minister will disburse the loan to the newly established units along with the new MSMEs under the self-sufficient India package. He will provide loans worth Rs 10,390 crore to three lakh 54 thousand 825 units. Of this, Rs 9,074 crore will be disbursed to 3,24,911 new MSME units and Rs 1,316 crore will be disbursed to 29,914 units set up under 'Self-reliant India Scheme'.
Please tell that the Chief Minister will also distribute advanced tool kit related to their business to the trainees of 'One District One Product Scheme'. They will also communicate with the beneficiaries of various schemes of MSME department. According to the details provided by the department in this regard, so far in the current financial year 2020-21, loans have been provided to MSME units in three phases. In the period from April 1 to May 13, 56,754 new units were provided a loan of Rs 2,002 crore under the first phase. A loan of Rs 10,599 crore was made available to 4,03,646 units in the second phase from May 15 to June 24, 2020.
This includes a loan of Rs 4,034 crore to 1,35,666 new MSME units and Rs 6,565 crore to 2,67,980 pre-installed units under the 'Self-reliant India Scheme'. Sources said that during the third phase, loan of Rs 7,841 crore was disbursed to 2,69,291 units from 25 June to 04 August. Under this, a loan amount of Rs. 4,661 crore to 1,29,753 new units and Rs. 3,180 crore to 1,39,538 units established under 'Self-reliant India Scheme'.