Corona became corona in the second wave, more than 2 lakh people lost their lives, only Brazil ahead of India in the world

COVID-19 Update / Corona became corona in the second wave, more than 2 lakh people lost their lives, only Brazil ahead of India in the world
COVID-19 Update - Corona became corona in the second wave, more than 2 lakh people lost their lives, only Brazil ahead of India in the world
The second wave of Corona virus in the country has long been horrified in April-May. For the first time in a country, the figure of Corona infected patients reached across four lakhs. At the same time, the number of people who died along with time passed. However, there has been a decrease in cases from last few days, but the figure of the dead is still a concern. According to statistics, in the second wave of Corona, after one march, more than two lakh people got lost due to the epidemic. In this way, three out of five people who died from the epidemic started last year went to the second wave. At the same time, during the second wave, more deaths from India have just been in Brazil, while the third is America.

This country is next to India

In the second wave, there is only Brazil in front of India in 102 days. During this period, deaths have been caused by Corona epidemic of two lakh people, while 82,738 people have died in America. However, the large population behind fewer deaths in America is being told to be a criticism. At the same time, the Coreon's deceased has been improved later in the figures. Over 16,300 deaths have been added to the health ministry data for the first week of May. Maharashtra added 11,583 deaths, while Bihar added 779 deaths in 3,951 and Uttarakhand. In the last two days, 5,873 deaths have been added. From this, Bihar has added 3951 deaths, while other numbers are of Maharashtra.

On average two thousand dies

People in the second wave of Corona lost its large number. Hardly a family will be saved, who would have not heard of any person who knows or lose life. The severity of second wave can be estimated from the fact that after a March, two thousand people have been lived on average. This number is those who die from Corona Pandemic. This is 57 percent of the total deaths since Corona in the country. So far, 3,63,029 people have lost their life from Corona Pandemic.

How many cases of Corona today in the country?

Less than one lakh cases of Corona virus have been revealed in India continuously. According to the figures released by the Union Health Ministry on Friday morning, in the last 24 hours in the country, 91,702 new cases have increased to 2,92,74,823 in total infected. The positivity rate has also decreased now 4.49. At the same time, the data of the dead has increased to 3,63,079 after the death of 3,403 and the virus of the people. The number of active case is 11,21,671, whose home isolation or treatment is going on in hospitals. In the last one day, there has been a shortage of 46,281 in the active case.


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