Corona cases increase in Maharashtra if more testing is done, know how is the effect of Delta + variant

Maharashtra / Corona cases increase in Maharashtra if more testing is done, know how is the effect of Delta + variant
Maharashtra - Corona cases increase in Maharashtra if more testing is done, know how is the effect of Delta + variant
Mumbai. In Maharashtra, Maharashtra, the most affected state from Corona (COVID-19), 8085 new cases of Pandemic came out. These figures are more than 6,727 new cases on Monday. It is believed that the main reason behind this sudden boom is to increase the Testing Speed ​​in the state. On Tuesday, the total 190140 sample was conducted, while 166163 sample was conducted on Monday.

In fact, due to the presence of Corona's new Variable Delta Plus in Maharashtra, the state government has been alerted. Many steps are being taken in view of this. According to the report of the Hindustan Times, Minority Department minister Nawab Malik has said in the state government- If Maharashtra gets adequate vaccine doses, then the vaccination of the entire population can be done only in two months. He also added Delta Plus variant to vaccination and said that there are 21 cases of new variants in the state. One of these was only the first dose of the vaccine.

After losing the life of an 80-year-old woman from Delta Plus variant on Friday, the state government has started strictly. The government says that more and more people will be vaccinated by increasing vaccination. At the same time, the decision to open other public places, including malls in districts like Thane and Pune have been postponed for a few days. Also, other shops and public office will be closed till 4 o'clock.

Significantly, the Health Department of Maharashtra had given a presentation (presentation) a few days ago that the new form of infection could cause the third wave of Kovid-19 in the state of 'Delta Plus'. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, members of the State Kovid-19 Task Force and members of the Health Department were also involved in this meeting. This new look 'Delta Plus' is made up of 'Mute' in 'Delta' or 'B.1.617.2' in India firstly in India. One reason for the second wave of infection in India was 'Delta'.

At the same time, the Central Home Ministry has asked states on Tuesday that there is a need to pay attention to the five-point strategy to deal with Corona. The Ministry has instructed to focus on adopting suitable behaviors, Testing, Tracking, Treatment, Vaccination and Corona. The Ministry has said that the kes positivity rate should be given consistent attention to the availability of beds in the hospitals. Apart from this, it has been said to emphasize the creation of a districts. The Ministry has said that if the cases positivity rate increases and the number of recruitment in hospitals increases, it will have to work on the immediate containment strategy.


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