Corona cases suddenly increased in Israel, now it is mandatory to wear a mask even in indoor

COVID-19 Update / Corona cases suddenly increased in Israel, now it is mandatory to wear a mask even in indoor
COVID-19 Update - Corona cases suddenly increased in Israel, now it is mandatory to wear a mask even in indoor
Between the growing cases of Corona in Israel, there has been mandatory to wear masks in indoor. For the next week, people will have to wear a mask in indoor. Along with this, the Israeli government has advised not to travel non-urgent foreign travel. On Thursday, 169 new cases were confirmed in Israel. After several months, so many cases have come in a day in Israel.

The Israeli government said that it is not the right time to fly with those children, which have not been vaccinated. At the same time, the government has appealed to investigate immediately with people in contact with Corona infected people. The government said that you have a vaccine or not, but definitely get the investigation.

The Israeli government said that if a child has been abroad and the school comes next day, then it is wrong. Most adults have been vaccinated in Israel. So far, about 80 percent of the population has been vaccinated, despite its new case. The government says it is difficult to answer why the matter suddenly increased.

On Wednesday in Israel, 138 new cases of Corona had come up. On Thursday, more than 100 new patients were confirmed in Israel. The city of Israel is the highest 122 active case at Binjamina. This city has declared red zone. The second most cases city is Modini (71 cases).

Its Alavatel Aviv and Kafar Saba 36, ​​33 in Jerusalam, with Kochav Man 31 and 21 active case in Herzalia. The Health Ministry said that the condition of Admit 26 patients is serious in hospitals across the country. The government says that more than 84% of patients were not vaccinated.

Concerns on the spread of a new delta version in Israel, which is considered responsible for 70% of the country in recent weeks. The people who have also been the symptoms of Corona have asked them to check immediately.


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