Corona curfew ends in all districts Lucknow Gorakhpur Meerut now only night curfew will remain

Coronavirus / Corona curfew ends in all districts Lucknow Gorakhpur Meerut now only night curfew will remain
Coronavirus - Corona curfew ends in all districts Lucknow Gorakhpur Meerut now only night curfew will remain
In Uttar Pradesh, all districts including Lucknow, Meerut, Gorakhpur were unlocked. Night curfew will continue from 7 pm to 7 am only. Active cases in all these districts have come down to less than 600. In the last 24 hours, 797 new cases of corona have been reported in the state. During this 2.85 lakh samples were tested. The recovery rate is 97.1 percent. The positivity rate is 0.2 percent.

The total active cases in the state have remained 14000 till Tuesday morning. Of these, 9,286 are in home isolation. CM Yogi cautioned that the virus has weakened, not ended. A little carelessness can cost a lot. It is everyone's responsibility to follow the corona protocol. Do not go out without a mask and follow social distance.

One crore vaccination target in June

Earlier, CM Yogi said that in view of the huge population of the state, we will have to intensify the Kovid vaccination. District wise strategy should be prepared. There is no shortage of vaccine. Many new vaccine options will also be available soon in collaboration with the Government of India. There is a target of one crore vaccinations in June. This target should be expanded to three times in July. For this, one lakh additional vaccinators should be prepared. Train nursing students, explore other options as well. So far, 2 crore people of the state have got the vaccine-cover. 1,66,27,059 people have given the first dose and 36,27,433 people have given the second dose. 30 lakh youth in the age group of 18 to 44 have been vaccinated.

this will be the discount

All markets will be open from 7 am to 7 pm, markets will remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays of the week.

There will be full presence in the frontline government departments related to the Corona campaign. The remaining government offices will have 50 percent personnel. All of them will be called retrospectively, Kovid help desk will be created in every private company.

Industrial institutions will remain open. Employees working in these institutions will be allowed to come and go on the basis of their identity card or certificate of the unit. Each unit will have a Kovid help desk. The vegetable market will open completely. The administration will get the vegetable market located in a densely populated place operated in an open place.

There is a distance of two yards and masks in the railway station and roadways bus, it will be mandatory. Along with this, screening and antigen testing will be done. A hospital will be sent if corona patients are found. Banks, insurance companies, payment systems and other offices will remain open.

Dhabas will open along the expressway and highway. Street tracks, carts, etc. will open. Transport company offices, logistics company offices, warehouses will open.

Except for the Containment Zone, in the remaining places, only five people will be able to go to one place at a time inside religious places. Buses will be operated inside the district. It has been made mandatory for passengers to wear masks. All passengers will be screened. In auto and e-rickshaw, four people will be able to sit in three and four wheeler.

Egg, meat and fish shops will open with adequate cleanliness. Wheat purchasing centers and ration shops will open in the district.

The nursery of the Horticulture Department will open. Revenue and Consolidation Courts will open under the protocol of Kovid-19. Government and private construction works will be done.

ban them

Schools, colleges and educational institutions will remain closed. Although the Department of Secondary and Basic Education will remain open for administrative work, restaurants will remain closed, but home delivery will continue, coaching institutes, cinema halls, gyms, swimming pools, clubs and shopping malls will remain closed.


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