Corona curfew removed from all 75 districts of UP, these restrictions will continue

Uttar Pradesh / Corona curfew removed from all 75 districts of UP, these restrictions will continue
Uttar Pradesh - Corona curfew removed from all 75 districts of UP, these restrictions will continue
Lucknow. After the pace of Corona slowed down, the Yogi Government of the state has decided to remove the Corona Curfew from all the districts. Till Monday, the corona curfew was lifted from 72 districts. On Tuesday, after 600 active cases in Lucknow, Meerut and Gorakhpur, the government decided to lift the corona curfew. Therefore, now corona curfew is not applicable in any district of UP. It is necessary that the night curfew and weekly lockdown will continue in all the districts.

Now markets will be able to open in all the districts of Uttar Pradesh from 7 am to 7 pm. However, during this time it will be necessary to follow the Kovid protocol. Strict action will be taken against any kind of negligence.

These restrictions will remain during unlock

Many restrictions will remain in force even after the Corona curfew is lifted. Malls, gyms, spa centers, cinema halls, multiplexes, coaching centers, schools and colleges will remain completely closed. However, the restaurant will continue to have the facility of online delivery as before.


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