New Delhi: A letter-war has started between the BJP and the Congress over the management of the Corona epidemic in the country. In response to the letter of former PM and Congress leader Dr. Manmohan Singh, Union Health Minister Dr. Harshvardhan (Dr. Harshvardhan) wrote a counter letter and questioned the Congress.
Accused of CongressIn a letter written on Monday, Dr. Harsh Vardhan alleged that Congress-ruled states are fully responsible for the second wave of global epidemic. They were reportedly busy raising suspicions on vaccines rather than vaccinating people. Tweeting his letter to Dr. Manmohan, Dr. Harshvardhan said, "The people who prepared Manmohan Singh's letter have damaged his credibility."
Manmohan suggested 5 measuresLet us tell you that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday suggesting five measures to deal with the situation of Kovid-19 in the country. He emphasized that vaccination and supply of medicines should be increased to counter the epidemic.
'Only the people of your party do not agree'Responding to this letter, Dr. Harshvardhan (Dr. Harshvardhan) wrote, 'Dr. Manmohan Singh, if you consider your offer of positive support and valuable advice as your Congress leader in such a difficult time, then history will be thankful to you. People in responsible positions in your party's governments agree with your views. '