Corona vaccine will attract 5% GST, rate fixed for private hospitals, most expensive vaccine

Coronavirus Vaccine / Corona vaccine will attract 5% GST, rate fixed for private hospitals, most expensive vaccine
Coronavirus Vaccine - Corona vaccine will attract 5% GST, rate fixed for private hospitals, most expensive vaccine
The Health Ministry has fixed the cost of corona vaccine for private hospitals. According to this, the cost of Covishield will be Rs 780 per dose, while the cost of Covaccine will be Rs 1410 per dose. At the same time, the price of Sputnik-V will be 1145 per dose for private hospitals. The government is also taking GST on the vaccine. 5℅ GST will be charged for each vaccine. Along with this, a service charge of Rs 150 per dose will be charged on all vaccines.

At the same time, after the announcement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, from June 21, the states will start getting free vaccines. The central government has come into action mode from Tuesday to increase the supply of vaccine. The Health Ministry has said in its press conference that an order for 74 crore vaccines has been issued. This includes 25 crore Covishields and 19 crore doses of Covaccine. Apart from this, the government has also ordered to procure 30 crore doses of E-Biologicals Limited's vaccine, which will be available by September. The government has already released 30 per cent of the order amount to these companies in advance.

On the other hand, on the new guidelines regarding vaccination, VK Paul said that 75% of the vaccine centers will procure in the new guidelines. The vaccine will be given to the states for free. States will be given more vaccine doses if the population, infection status and the speed at which vaccination is being done in that state and the wastage of vaccine is less. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced on Monday that free vaccine would be given to the states from June 21, the Yoga Day.

Let us tell you, after 63 days in 24 hours, less than one lakh new cases of Kovid-19 were reported in India and the daily rate of samples being found infected has also come down to 4.62 percent.

According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry, the number of infected people has increased to 2,89,96,473 after the lowest number of 86,498 new cases were reported in the country after 66 days in 24 hours. Earlier on April 2, 81,466 new cases were reported in 24 hours. At the same time, after the death of 2,123 more people, the death toll increased to 3,51,309. After 47 days, so few cases of death due to infection have been reported in the country.


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