The speed of the spread of Coronavirus is in top gear. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that more than 21 million new cases of corona infection were reported worldwide last week, which is the highest weekly level since the beginning of the epidemic. The WHO has also emphasized that Omicron is gradually becoming the dominant variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus due to its higher lethality and fertility rate than the delta variant of the coron.
50 thousand people diedAccording to the weekly data released by the WHO on Tuesday, between January 17 and 23, a five percent increase was registered in new cases of corona globally. More than 21 million new patients infected with the corona virus were found worldwide. At the same time, more than 50 thousand people also died due to infection. Last week, the highest number of new cases were reported in America (42,15,852), France (24,43,821), India (21,15,100), Italy (12,31,741) and Brazil (8,24,579).
Learn the most hereTalking about the deaths during this period, the maximum deaths due to infection went to America (10,795), Russia (4,792), India (3,343), Italy (2440) and Britain (1888). The WHO said that after Omicron's travel-related cases were reported, community spread of this variant has started in many countries. However, in countries where Omicron cases increased rapidly in November-December last year, they have either decreased or started showing a decrease.
slackness amid rising casesOn the other hand, the Netherlands has started easing strict restrictions, while no reduction in infection cases has been registered in the country. Record cases have been reported here last week. Experts say that this haste of the government can cause big trouble. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, was under pressure to relax the restrictions and due to this he has announced the easing of restrictions.