Corona's third wave may come from September to October, 5 lakh people will be positive daily: IIT Kanpur

COVID-19 Update / Corona's third wave may come from September to October, 5 lakh people will be positive daily: IIT Kanpur
COVID-19 Update - Corona's third wave may come from September to October, 5 lakh people will be positive daily: IIT Kanpur
New Delhi: The third wave of corona virus can prove to be very dangerous and its peak can be from September to October. At this time up to five lakh corona cases can be reported daily. IIT Kanpur has released the data in this regard.

Three important things came out in the report

Three important things stand out in this report. It is believed that by July 15, the entire country will be unlocked. It will be the same situation as it was in January this year. Everything was unlocked in January, but if we do not take precautions, do not follow the rules of social distancing and do not apply masks, then the peak of the third wave of corona can come by October. Not only this, even the experts are accepting this fact.

The virus's revenge form will be more deadly

According to the report, from September the conditions will start deteriorating once again and by October its magnitude will be considerable. The second thing is that if Corona comes in the third wave with changed mutants and people do not even take precautions, then its peak will come by September. That is, from August the conditions will start getting worse. The third phase is that if people take precautions, apply masks and get vaccinated, then in such a situation the peak of the third wave will come by November.

This estimate does not include vaccination.

IIT Kanpur has also clarified in its report that vaccination is not included in this estimate. The vaccine breaks the chain of transmission and reduces the peak. In such a situation, researchers are working on a modified model of the third wave with vaccination and will release it soon.


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