Corona's third wave will not create an uproar like second wave, claims ICMR study

COVID-19 Update / Corona's third wave will not create an uproar like second wave, claims ICMR study
COVID-19 Update - Corona's third wave will not create an uproar like second wave, claims ICMR study
After some stop in the second wave of Corona in the country, there is now a fear of third wave. Recently, the Delta Plus variant of Corona has increased the concerns. Experts say that if the third wave came, the Delta Plus variant can act as a main factor. In such a situation, ICMR has published a study on the possibility of Covid-19's third wave in India.

It has been said in the study that if the third wave of Corona comes in India, it will not be serious as the second wave. However, the rapid increase in vaccination efforts can not only play an important role in reducing any other wave in Corona but in the future.

Talking about the prospects of the third wave in the study, it has been said that the transition-based immune capacity can be reduced with the immunity capability time. In such a situation, people who have already been infected can be infected once again.

On the other hand, another study of ICMR has revealed that pregnant women have been more seriously affected during the second Kovid-19 wave in India. The number of mortality and infected cases this year has increased significantly.

In such a director of ICMR-General (DG) Dr. Balram Bhargava says that the Guidelines of the Health Ministry that pregnant women can be vaccinated. Vaccination is useful for pregnant women and should be given it.

Significantly, in April-May, the second wave of Corona saved a lot of devastation. During this time, the number of cases coming towards everyday broke the record. Now when the daily affairs has decreased rapidly, the government has started preparations for the third wave. The government is trying to vaccinate the COVID-19 early people.


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