Coronavirus 646 doctors died in the second wave of covid 19 Delhi has the highest number of deaths

India / Coronavirus 646 doctors died in the second wave of covid 19 Delhi has the highest number of deaths
India - Coronavirus 646 doctors died in the second wave of covid 19 Delhi has the highest number of deaths
New Delhi: Many people have lost their lives due to the havoc of Corona virus. Many doctors, who were at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19, have also lost their lives due to corona. More than 600 doctors have died in the second wave of Corona.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) said that a total of 646 doctors have lost their lives in the second wave of Covid-19. Out of which maximum 109 deaths occurred in Delhi. According to the IMA, 748 doctors had died in the first phase of the epidemic.

According to the data compiled by IMA's Kovid-19 Registry till June 2, Delhi had the highest number of deaths of 109 doctors. After this, 97 doctors died in Bihar, 79 in Uttar Pradesh, 43 in Rajasthan, 39 in Jharkhand and 35 in Andhra Pradesh, 34 in Telangana, 37 in Gujarat and 30 in West Bengal. At the same time, 23 doctors have died in Maharashtra.

A doctor associated with the IMA said, "Last year, 748 physicians died due to Kovid-19 across the country, while we have lost 624 doctors in the short period of the current second wave."


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