Coronavirus death toll in US' New York state exceeds 10,000

Coronavirus / Coronavirus death toll in US' New York state exceeds 10,000
Coronavirus - Coronavirus death toll in US' New York state exceeds 10,000
NEW YORK: The death toll from the new coronavirus in New York state -- the epicenter of America's deadly pandemic -- has passed 10,000, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday.

Cuomo said 671 people had died in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of fatalities in the state to 10,056.

New York City, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, now alone has over 100,000 novel coronavirus cases, more than the confirmed cases in China and the UK, according to the official data.

According to the data from the New York City government, an increase of at least 5,695 cases on Sunday put New York City's total number of coronavirus infections at over 104,410 as of April 12 and 27,676 hospitalisations.

The city's death toll is 6,898. New York City now has more coronavirus cases than China and the UK.

According to estimates by Johns Hopkins University, there are 85,208 coronavirus cases in the UK, 83,135 in China and 71,686 in Iran.

The US has 557,300 cases and over 22,000 people have died so far.


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