Coronavirus Mutated And Citizens Let Guard Down And All This Led To Second Wave

COVID-19 / Coronavirus Mutated And Citizens Let Guard Down And All This Led To Second Wave
COVID-19 - Coronavirus Mutated And Citizens Let Guard Down And All This Led To Second Wave
New Delhi: Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Friday that the number of cases increased and turned into a second wave due to the changing nature of the corona virus and reducing the Covid precautions of the citizens. Vardhan made the remarks after distributing masks to the frontline personnel in the Union Health Ministry. According to a statement by the Health Ministry, he said that although this step is symbolic, people from various industries and corporate houses and politicians in positions can start a noble chain by following this step and help everyone through COVID friendly conduct. To save from Kovid-19, it can be converted into a mass movement.

The purpose of this exercise in the Ministry of Health is to distribute masks to all employees and starting from the frontline workers, it will be passed on to other employees as well. The statement quoted him as saying, 'The government worked continuously last year to stop Covid-19. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, we were very successful in reducing the cases to the minimum.

According to the statement, he said, 'While things are getting back on track with the introduction of vaccines earlier this year, people started to follow the normal rules of Kovid friendly conduct. Where the virus mutated and changed its form, we reduced our vigilance. Because of all this, the cases increased and turned into a second wave.


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