COVID-19 pandemic a long way from over: WHO Chief

World / COVID-19 pandemic a long way from over: WHO Chief
World - COVID-19 pandemic a long way from over: WHO Chief
United Nations: World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that even though more than 78 million doses of anti-Kovid-19 vaccines have been given worldwide so far, the end of the epidemic is still Is quite far. However, it can be controlled in a few months by taking strict steps in relation to public health. The first case of Coronavirus Infection was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. So far, 13,65,00,400 people worldwide have fallen prey to it. Of these, 29,44,500 have died.

"The world has seen a decrease in infection cases for six consecutive weeks in January and February," said the WHO chief. Now we are seeing an increase in cases for seven consecutive weeks and the death cases are increasing since four weeks. Last week, the highest number of cases occurred in a week. He has had more than three cases before that. There has been a huge increase in cases in many countries of Asia and West Asia. ”Gebrecius told reporters in Geneva that more than 78 million doses of anti-Kovid-19 vaccines have been given worldwide. Vaccine is a powerful weapon but it is not the only weapon.

He said, "Social distance is effective. Masking is effective. Ventilation is effective. Surveillance, investigation, detection of contact with infected people, segregation etc. are measures to deal with infection and save lives of the people. "The WHO chief warns that the end of the epidemic is far away but the world has many reasons to be optimistic .


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