Death due to coronavirus confirmed by government panel know what reason

COVID-19 Vaccination / Death due to coronavirus confirmed by government panel know what reason
COVID-19 Vaccination - Death due to coronavirus confirmed by government panel know what reason
COVID-19 Vaccination | A government panel studying the side effects of the corona vaccine in the country has confirmed the death of one person due to the vaccine. This is the first confirmed death in India due to the corona vaccine. The AEFI (Advance Events Following Immunization) committee has confirmed the death of a 68-year-old man from anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a type of allergic reaction. Talking to PTI, AEFI Chairman Dr. NK Arora said that once again we would advise to stay at the vaccination center for 30 minutes after the vaccination. Many times side effects are observed during this period and after that they can be controlled with immediate treatment.

Out of the cases examined by the committee after taking the vaccine, 5 people took the vaccine on February 5. Apart from this, 8 people got vaccinated on 9 March and there were 18 people who got corona vaccine on 31 March. Arora said, 'This is the first case of death due to anaphylaxis after taking the vaccine, which has been registered after investigation.' Earlier, three people were said to have died due to corona vaccine, but the government panel has confirmed only one case. The Committee, in its report, stated that the 68-year-old man died on March 8, 2021.

The person who took the vaccine had developed an allergy called anaphylaxis after the vaccine, due to which he died. Apart from this, two other cases were examined by the committee, about which it said that they were also victims of allergies, but recovered after being admitted to the hospital. Both these people were given the vaccine on 16 and 19 January. Both of them were between 20 and 30 years old.

The committee did a study on a total of 31 cases, told the benefits of vaccine

A total of 31 cases were studied by the committee, out of which 28 had died. It was being claimed that people died only after taking the vaccine. But the committee has clearly stated in its report that out of these 28 deaths, only 1 has been due to vaccination. Three people had complained of anaphylaxis (vaccine product related reaction). Even though the Committee has accepted one death due to the vaccine, but in its report clearly stated that the benefits of the vaccine are far greater.


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