WORLD: Deaths in hospitals, claims after studying death certificate data; Not 4.83 lakh from Corona, 32 lakh died

WORLD - Deaths in hospitals, claims after studying death certificate data; Not 4.83 lakh from Corona, 32 lakh died
| Updated on: 12-Jan-2022 09:10 AM IST
As of 11 January 2022, 3.59 crore cases of corona and 4.84 lakh deaths have been registered in India. A new study has claimed that these government figures of death from corona are much less than the reality. According to the study, 32 lakh people died during Corona, which is 7 times more than the deaths recorded in the government records. This study is being discussed a lot amidst the third wave of Corona.

Study published in the world's famous journal 'Science'

This study has been published on 6 January 2022 in the world's famous journal 'Science' Journal. Its title is 'Covid Mortality in India: National Survey Data and Health Facility Deaths'. This study has been done by a team of international researchers led by Professor Prabhat Jha from the University of Toronto. It stars Yashwant Deshmukh, Chinmay Tumbe, Wilson Surveer, Aditi Bhowmik, Sankalp Sharma, Paul Novosad, Ji Hong Phu, Leslie Newcomby, Helen Gelband and Patrick Brown.

Data taken from two government and one independent sources for the study

An independent source CVoter has been used for this study. For this, the epidemic has been tracked by telephonic conversations with 1.40 lakh people from all the states of the country. Apart from this, the data of death in Government of India hospitals and the data of death registration recorded in the civil registration system of 10 states have been made the basis.

India saw the orgy of death during the second wave of Corona. Hospitals were full. People were wandering from door to door for oxygen. Meanwhile, two corona infected lying on the same bed in Delhi's LNJP Hospital.

India saw the orgy of death during the second wave of Corona. Hospitals were full. People were wandering from door to door for oxygen. Meanwhile, two corona infected lying on the same bed in Delhi's LNJP Hospital.

Three big things came out about the deaths from Corona

Survey agency CVoter called 1.40 lakh people of the country and asked some questions. First, whether there has been death in his house, when has it happened, was this death due to Kovid or due to some other reason? Analysis was done by combining all the answers together. This led to a shocking revelation.

  • Corona accounted for 29% of the total deaths between June 2020 and July 2021. Added to all the deaths, this figure reaches 32 lakhs. In this, 27 lakh deaths occurred only during April 2021 to July 2021.
  • Similarly, when the death figures in 2 lakh hospitals of the country were compared before and after the corona epidemic, an increase of 27% was seen in it. It was speculated that these increased deaths may have been due to Corona.
  • Similarly, the civil registration data of the government was monitored. An increase of 26% has been recorded in the registration of deaths during the corona epidemic in 10 states.
  • After analyzing all these data, it was found that till September 2021, the number of deaths due to corona in the country is 6-7 times more than the figures recorded in the government records.
Researcher's claim: Under-reporting of mass deaths in India

A study was published 6 months ago in eLife, which analyzed the deaths before and during the pandemic. It came to the fore that the trend of counting the deaths due to corona is low all over the world. There were 4.5 times more deaths than normal in Russia, which is more than the official figures of Corona. Apart from this, a similar trend was seen in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Egypt.

Chinmay Tumbe, who was involved in this study, told Business Line in an interview in November that there were fewer cases reported all over the world, but our research showed how big the difference is in India. Research has said that if our count is correct then WHO should improve its data which is showing only 54 lakh deaths worldwide by 1 January 2022.

The New York Times had expressed the possibility of 42 lakh deaths in India

The New York Times enlisted the help of more than a dozen experts to estimate the exact death toll in India in June 2021. These experts divided the epidemic in India into three situations - normal condition, bad condition, very bad condition. In this, in the worst case scenario, 700 million people were estimated to be infected and 42 lakh people died in India.